Erbium Laser Resurfacing erbium

Erbium Laser Resurfacing

Acne, pigmentation, and stretch marks are all skin conditions that appear over time, not overnight. Over time, these scars can be very noticeable and make you feel self-conscious about your appearance in public. But with erbium laser resurfacing, it may be possible to smooth out your skin and make it more attractive again. 


The benefits of Erbium Laser Resurfacing

The laser also treats skin damage from acne, rosacea, and superficial scars. It can often resolve stretch marks and pigmentation issues with a laser resurfacing treatment. Stretch marks are caused by the rapid growth of tissue, which tears apart collagen fibers beneath your skin. As a result, stretch marks appear as red or purple lines on your body where there was once smooth skin. Stretch marks are treated with fractional lasers because they have smaller beams than other lasers and can precisely target stretch mark-prone areas. Pigmentation problems occur when melanin cells become trapped under your skin’s surface instead of rising to its surface during maturation, which results in darker spots on your face or body. Acne scars are usually deep pits in your face or body caused by acne lesions. They are generally brown or red-colored depressions that resemble acne blemishes but are more profound than those blemishes were before you popped them open.


How does Erbium Laser Resurfacing work?

This laser treatment is designed to correct various skin problems, including stretch marks, acne scars, pigmentation issues, and remove wrinkles and fine lines. Unlike traditional laser resurfacing treatments requiring dozens of sessions, a patient can usually get all their desired results in just two Erbium sessions.

Is Erbium Laser Resurfacing treatment safe?

Despite its incredible effectiveness in reducing the number of cosmetic issues, Erbium laser resurfacing is still considered a relatively safe treatment by most medical professionals. While no side effects are associated with other laser treatments, you can expect minor (and temporary) redness and swelling after an Erbium procedure. If needed, we will prescribe pain medication to help make you more comfortable during your recovery; however, many patients report that they don’t require any medication because the procedure doesn’t cause significant discomfort.

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How does Erbium Laser Resurfacing benefit your skin for a long time?

Smooths deep wrinkles, plumps up sagging skin and diminishes wrinkles around the eyes. It clears blackheads, treats acne scars, and improves irregular pigmentation in many skin tones. Also, it removes stretch marks by increasing collagen production in treated areas.

I have been coming to Lime Skin Care for quite a while and I really enjoy this place. They are very friendly and first class in customer service! Liana treats me with such professionalism and you can tell she enjoys what she does. She has used many different machines to shape my body (ems sculpting, cool sculpting, presotherapy) with amazing results at such great prices! I really recommend Lime Skin Care as a one stop shop for all your beauty needs!

Betty D.

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